
Över hälften av arbetarna säger att distansarbete startar om koncentrationen

Remote working improves productivity levels by offering business people a much-needed change of scenery. According to latest research commissioned by Regus, the flexible workspace provider, over half of global workers (53%) suffering from symptoms of cabin fever find relief by varying their work environment.

To find out some of the reasons more and more people are choosing to work remotely, Regus canvassed over 20,000 business people across the globe and found that, in addition to improving productivity, remote working also helps workers to concentrate (56%). A break from the usual business environment renews focus, and enables mobile workers to go through their to-do list without interruptions from colleagues and ringing phones.

Flexible working was also found to improve travel schedules (55%), as remote workers spend less time commuting. And not only do they enjoy a respite from jam-packed trains, mobile workers also have more time to unwind with loved ones (46%) at the end of a busy day.

Other key findings:

  • 58 % av affärsmännen säger att distansarbete hjälper dem att komma närmare kunder och framtidsutsikter för viktiga möten;
  • Globala företagsledare och chefer rapporterar att de planerar att låta sina team arbeta på distans en eller två dagar nästa år (35 %);
  • 11 % skulle tillåta sina arbetare att arbeta på distans hela veckan.

Ian Hallett, Regus CMO, comments, “Traditionally, business managers are thought to be hesitant about allowing employees to work remotely. So it may come as a surprise that managers are aware of the positive impact of remote working on their workforce. Offering employees the possibility of mobile working, even for a couple of days a week, increases their productivity levels as well as general well-being.”

“Further motivation for directors is that remote working provides companies with a wider reach. As a business grows, proximity to clients and prospects is indispensable but also costly. Flexible working allows companies to have a presence in different locations, whether to meet potential customers or source suppliers, with little extra expense.”

As the world of work continues to evolve, the number of remote workers is expected to continue to rise. For more key findings and a ‘state-of-the-nation’ snapshot of the workforce today, view our full report The Workplace Revolution.